Principal's Desk

I extend a warm greeting and congrats to all the aspiring pharmacists in Koustuv Research Institute of Medical Science (KRIMS), a unit of Koustuv Group of Institutions. Since the beginning KRIMS aims to become the center of excellence in Pharmacy education and research through student-centered teaching and learning, research, patient-centered care and community services. In addition to graduating students, our goal is to shape them into the best possible Pharmacy professionals who can fulfil the demands of the world's diverse health care systems and the Pharmacy profession.

I am pleased to announce that our KRIMS boasts a distinguished and dynamic faculty, well-equipped laboratories with sophisticated equipments, a library full of books, national and international journals, as well as a computer lab with internet access that encourages students to work more competently. Our educational program is designed to ensure that students can confidently fulfil the criteria of pharmaceutical sector along with patient care and pharmacy practice to meet the expectations time to time. Apart from this we always personally focus on the student's scientific expertise, communication skill and social devotion.

Our students will definitely benefit from the passion as well hard work of our management, highly skilled & committed faculty members along with experienced supportive staff in attaining success in their professional careers. I assure that your time at KRIMS will be both enjoyable and academically successful.

Dr. Shaktiprasad Pradhan
[M.Pharm, Ph.D, FICS, FRSC, DNHE]
